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 Jungson JA-99C Luxury LÄTT DEFEKT (2500kr)SÅLD!
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Posted - 2008/02/22 :  09:53:08  Show Profile Send jeppe72 a Private Message
Jungson JA-99C Delux

Bildlänk: http://www.escanxxi.com/domocine/images/fotos/ja-1_ficha.jpg

Slusteg på 2x80 watt ren klass A. Mycket välljudande slusteg
som spelar upp musiken på ett realistiskt sätt och med fin
balans och en fantastisk ljudbild. Driver med lätthet svåra
laster med mycket pondus och kraft. Orginalkartong

Brusar knäpper till ibland från höger kanal. Jag upptäckte detta igår kväll och båda kanalerna fungerar ändå och låter bra. Kanske något för den elektronikkunnige.


Pris: 2500kr

Saxat från prisjakt.nu :

"Ett steg som spelar i högsta divisionen"

"Ett mycket välbyggt rent klass A steg som ger 80w i 8 ohm.
Precis som rörförstärkare och många andra klass A steg måste
man ge det lite tid att bli varmt innan det spelar optimalt.
Spelar med värme och skärpa. I en jämförelse (samma pris)
med produkter som saluförs i Sverige är den vida överlägsen..."

Utdrag ur ett långt test publicerat på minhemmabio:

"It is not a surprise for many radio stations, including the
People#8217;s Central Broadcasting Station, Beijing Music Radio
Station, Beijing Art Station, and other art stations in Xi#8217;an,
Shanxi, Hubei an Hunan, to select Jungson as their monitor
audition equipment. Today we make an audition by using the
new amplifier to drive ATC and Xihu LC6.75 sound box, while
using the power cords, balance signal wires and intelligent
sound box wires produced by Jungson. We hear the sound from
piano, violin, erhu and lute is dainty and real, with the lingering
charms and shapes of different instruments as fully exposed to
the listeners. When playing the speeches and songs, we feel
the voices are correctly and clearly pronounced, full of
sweetness, kindness and appealing powers. When playing the
large orchestral symphony, we feel a sense of magnificence
and dynamic powers and top-grade balance of each frequency
band. In general, with sweet and wettish sounds, the original
amplifier can compete against the radio tube one, but
significantly prevails over the latter in instant state and speed.
Each frequency band is smoothly and naturally joined. The low
frequency is condensed, with enough softness; the middle
frequency is gentle and full; and the high frequency is brisk and
fine. The new version has a better performance in the balance
between low and middle, as well as an increased sense of
diaphaneity and space, especially a large improvement in the
reproduction of high-frequency details. Besides keeping the
powerful drive forces, the new version has significantly
improved its control on sound boxes. The musical rhythms
become brighter and clearer, creating an excellent site feeling.
The noble and minute tones reproduced by ATC sound boxers
are increased with a kind of freshness and pizzazz, based on
reserving the original sweetness and wetness from the UK
sound boxes, with resolution degree further improved and low
frequency sinking deeper. This answers for Chinese audition
Jungson JA-1/JA-99C preamp and pro amp Class A amplifier is
really a Hi-Fi equipment. It is no wonder that it stands out
among others at Exhibition of Domestic Audio and Video
Equipment. It is unanimously appraised that #8220;the experts group
is deeply impressed by its sound quality, appearance and
From #8220;Practical Audio and Video Technology#8221;"
Maila för bilder.

Pris: 2500kr

Retro låter fint.

Edited by - jeppe72 on 2008/03/07 15:02:53
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