Det anerkjente amerikanske audiomagasinet The Audiophile Voice publiserte i august 2006 en ny omtale av MONTANA EPS2.
Testen ble utført over lang tid av ikke ukjente Barry Willis, som i en lang årrekke har vært skribent for enda mer kjente Stereophile.
Her er et ekstrakt av Willis' test av MONTANA EPS2: "Universal compatibility is the most appealing aspect of Montana loudspeakers. I've reviewed several and owned three different models, including the EPS (PBN's most popular product), and the earth-shaking KAS. The EPS2 is also the first model with a full array of custom-made SEAS drivers.
Dynamic attack was fantastic. The ability to differentiate two similar instruments is a hallmark of true high-end gear.
With great horizontal and vertical dispersion, excellent extension at the frequency extremes, tremendous dynamics, and amazing buid quality, the EPS2 is ideal for those who often venture outside narrow musical categories.
It's an all-positions player. The EPS2's only drawback is the long break-in period. Put another way, you buy a puppy, but get a full-grown dog - a companion who'll share every sorrow and every joy for a very long time. Patiance is more than its own reward."
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