T O P I C R E V I E W |
Mårten Design |
Posted - 2014/04/14 : 13:36:06 
Jon Iversen skriver bla:
"Every comparison with the DACs mentioned above, and a handful of others that passed through my system in the past several months, yielded the same results: a more focused sound with the MSB, coupled with the ability to match the best qualities of any other DAC in the hot seat. There was simply more there.
I was sad to have to send another MSB DAC to JA's Brooklyn lab for testing. It notched my system up to a place where almost all digital sources had an organic, natural presence without sacrificing the accuracy and detail present in the best recordings-no small feat."
John Atkinson skriver:
"It was a pleasure to measure such a good-performing product as MSB's Analog DAC. And I loved the top-mounted volume control, the display, and the ergonomics. It is rare to encounter an audio component so well thought out and so well engineered."
MSB Analog DAC kostar från 59900:-. Mer info här!
Marten Chalmersgatan 24 Göteborg 031-207200 |