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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rene Posted - 2014/02/27 : 09:21:51
Nu er der mulighed for at låne denne med hjem.

Vi har dem på lager til demo og nye til salg.

Klart det bedste vi har hørt til dato indenfor streaming. solg til kunder med ARC CD9 CD8 Wadia S7i S3i Linn indtil nu.

Pris 49000dkr sæt op på din adresse.

Lumin Music Streamer var en af de første Universal High-End Music Streamers på marked , der understøtter mange formater, herunder DSD, streameren arbejder efter UPNP protocal . der gør at du kan med streame med software som JRiver Foobar kinsky med flere, samt Airplay med spotify wimp Hifi fra din Iphone eller Appel Tv.

Bag Lumin er et firma der hedder Pixel Magic, en velkendt producent , når det kommer til digitale video -processorer. Deres mange års erfaring med digital teknologi afspejles i det de har fået ud af Lumin Musik afspliller..

Under låget finder man DAC blev valgt efter en omfattende test af Wolfson 8741 (en pr kanal). Med egen udviklet filter . i udgange anvendes Lundahl output transformere. RCA, XLR og forskellige digitale udgange (inklusive HDMI til DSD). Kabinettet er lavet af en blok aluminium, det digitale og analoge i deres eget rum med.

Lumin har ekstern strømforsyning.


Du kan vælge at afspille fra en NAS eller extern harddisk eller usb stik.

Skal du hente din musik fra en NAS vil vi forslå du køber en synology med Intel CPU helst en DS414 og WB red diske, du skal bare instal java og minimserver.com.

lidt læse stof





I spent many hours over many days and weeks just listening to the Lumin and I really have nothing I can find to complain about. It is at once detailed, delicate, smooth, without edge or etch, and it throws out a nice physical sound image that is very easy to fall into." - Stereophile's AudioStream

Lumin is the network player by which all others should be judged." - Computer Audiophile

In short, this DSD streamer outclassed anything I've heard at home or beyond.... About 10 listeners who heard my loaner sold off their Linn streamers to buy the new kid in town."- SixMoons

clean, modern lines, solid construction, advanced digital technology and sound that is absolutely... analog!" - logo.png

The outstanding build quality and industrial design in fact reminded me much of the five times as expensive Linn Klimax and the Devialet D-Premier " - SixMoons

The Pixel Magic Lumin network player is the most polished network player I've ever used. The sound quality is exquisitely analog much like spinning a vinyl album. Lush and vivid are terms that describe the sound of music streamed through the Lumin player. What makes this player so polished is the terrific design and implementation of its software." - Computer Audiophile #8226;



The Pixel Magic Lumin network player is the most polished network player I've ever used. The sound quality is exquisitely analog much like spinning a vinyl album. Lush and vivid are terms that describe the sound of music streamed through the Lumin player. What makes this player so polished is the terrific design and implementation of its software. This is a DLNA renderer / DAC and that's all the device is designed to accomplish with its embedded Linux operating system. Playback of high resolution PCM and DSD files is a breeze. Gapless playback that eludes so many players in this category works flawlessly with the Lumin. The iPad control point application is intuitive and simply works every time. Lumin is the network player by which all others should be judged. A definite leader on the Computer Audiophile Suggested Hardware List .


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